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A rat curled up on a bundle of fabric
The endemic rat of Santiago Island (Nesoryzomys swarthi) (photo by Daniel Armijos)

People: Carlos Carrión, Paul Taillie, Ana Carrión, Daniel Armijos Vega, and Cristian Sevilla

The goal of this project is to estimate the abundance and habitat occupancy of the endemic rat of Santiago Island (Nesoryzomys swarthi) and its relationship with introduced rodent populations. Within this larger goal, we have several specific objectives:

  • Estimate the population size of Nesoryzomys swarthi on Santiago Island by using capture and recapture techniques using capture and recapture techniques
  • Leverage historical trapping data to determine changes in rodent abundant over the past 20 years
  • Quantify the degree of diet overlap between native and invasive rodents on Santiago Island using stable isotope analysis of rodents and their foods

This project is set to be completed during 2025.

(photo above courtesy of Ana Carrión)