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The Center for Galapagos Studies has moved from Europa Drive to West Franklin Street! Our new offices are located on the third floor (Suite 330C) of the Carolina Square Building. The street address is 123 West Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 27516.


The Carolina Square building is located behind the Target on Franklin Street. If you see the large orange art sculpture, you’re in the right spot — it’s right outside the building! To reach our offices, enter the building through the revolving doors leading you to the first-floor lobby. Then, take the elevator in the lobby to the third floor; when you step out of the elevator, head to the hallway on your left, turn right, and the door at the end of that hallway is ours.



Guests to the Center can park in the Carolina Square parking deck, which is directly connected to our building, in the spots marked “Hourly Parking” on the 1st and 2nd floor of the deck. Please note that the elevators in the parking garage are exterior elevators that don’t lead to our offices, so you’ll need to take the stairs/elevator to the ground floor so you can then enter the first floor lobby through the revolving doors. From there, you can take the elevators in the lobby to our offices on the third floor.

Hourly parking rates for the Carolina Square parking deck:

  • First 45 minutes – free
  • Second 45 minutes – $2.00
  • Every subsequent hour – $5.00 per hour

For alternative parking options, you can visit the official parking services website for the Town of Chapel Hill.