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Nazaret Narvaez headshot

Terrestrial Ecology Laboratory Coordinator, Galapagos Science Center
Nazaret graduated in Environmental Engineering and Natural Risk Management at the Universidad Técnica del Ecuador in 2020. Nazaret is the Coordinator of the Terrestrial Ecology Lab at the GSC and provides support to researchers and students using the lab and her responsibilities include collecting data from the weather stations maintained by the GSC on the island as well as monitoring sensors to investigate air quality, rainwater isotope measurements, and freshwater flow monitoring.


Nazaret has participated as a research assistant in the project called “Galapagos Genetic Code – BARCODE” through the Galapagos Science Center (GSC), applying different molecular techniques in order to identify species that inhabit the islands.

Nazaret likes to play sports and especially enjoys CrossFit. In her free time, she trains and teaches CrossFit classes and also likes to make desserts and spend time with her family.