Professor, School of Medicine, USFQ
Adjunct Professor, Pharmacology, UNC-CH
The Galapagos is a unique environment for those studying biology or evolution. However, from the human health point of view, the Archipelago presents challenges. For example, Galapagos has a higher rate of overweight and obesity than the rest of Ecuador, and the accessibility to potable water varies across islands. Dr. Teran is interested in examining nutrition, infectious and metabolic diseases, pregnancy, and mental health on the islands.
Research Projects
- Water, Food, and Health in San Cristóbal: The Healthy Family Study
- Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies: The intergenerational effects of maternal stress in the Galápagos Islands
- Nicholas KM, Bentley ME, Terán E, Thompson AL. (2019). Water security in the Galápagos: Socioecological determinants and health implications. EcoHealth.
- Thompson AL, Nicholas KM, Watson E, Terán E, Bentley, ME. (2019). Water, food, and the dual burden of disease in Galápagos, Ecuador. American Journal of Human Biology.
- Houck KM, Terán E, Ochoa J, Zapata GN, Gomez AM, Parra R, Dvorquez D, Stewart JR, Bentley ME, Thompson, AL. (2019). Drinking water improvements and rates of urinary and gastrointestinal infections in Galápagos, Ecuador: Assessing household and community factors. American Journal of Human Biology, e23358.