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Bruno Lab research extends from Galapagos to NC

Isabel Silva, a Kenan Galapagos Fellow and doctoral student studying biology, left, and Savannah Ryburn, a doctoral student in the environment, ecology, and energy program within the UNC College of Arts and Sciences, right, work with samples in the Bruno lab. (Megan Mendenhall/UNC Research)

The story of the Galapagos Islands, an archipelago so unique that it helped shape the foundations of modern biology, doesn’t end with its breathtaking landscapes and iconic wildlife. The research conducted there is making waves far beyond its shores. UNC-Chapel Hill researchers Esteban Agudo, Isabel Silva, Savannah Ryburn and Salomé Jaramillo Gil spend several months a year in the Galapagos collecting marine life data. They are also members of the Bruno Lab, led by John F. Bruno, Chi Omega Distinguished Professor of Biology in the biology department in the UNC College of Arts and Sciences and the Galapagos Science Center.   Read more

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