BSPH Biostatistics, UNC-CH 2021
Morehead-Cain Scholar
Donald (Don) Fejfar, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, earned his BSPH in Biostatistics at UNC. Don spent much of his time at UNC playing sports, specifically as captain of the Men’s Water Polo Club and president of the Sports Clubs Executive Council. He also worked as the Planning Coordinator for the Minority Health Conference and as a student Board of Trustees member of MedWorld nonprofit. During his free time, you could often find him on the soccer field or basketball court playing pick-up, reading, watching TV, or catching up with his friends at UNC or from home.
Don’s passion for water extends beyond his time in the pool – much of his time at UNC was devoted to research with the Water Institute and the Center for Galapagos Studies; he investigated water quality and security with both centers. At the Water Institute, he studied water, sanitation, and hygiene in homeless shelters and orphanages worldwide and the determinants of household water quality in Southern and East African countries. At the Center for Galapagos Studies, Don worked on a study on Isabela island assessing microbial water quality and water access in households in Puerto Villamil.
Don’s work was supported by various prestigious awards, including the Mingma Norbu Sherpa Public Service Award, the Morehead-Cain Foundation Global Perspectives Summer Funding, and the Undergraduate Research Consultant Team Award, which he received in conjunction with his research team.