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Alex Hearn headshot

Professor, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, USFQ
Adjunct Professor, Biology, UNC-CH

Alex Hearn is a marine fisheries ecologist who has worked as Professor and Researcher at USFQ and the Galapagos Science Center since 2015. He obtained his BSc in Oceanography and Marine Biology from the University of Southampton, UK; and his MSc and PhD from Heriot-Watt University in the Orkney Islands. He has worked in the Galapagos Islands since 2002 on fisheries research and management, and spearheaded the development of the Shark Research Program for the Galapagos Marine Reserve since 2006.  His current projects include using acoustic and satellite telemetry to establish the migratory pathways of sharks, evaluating the movement ecology of the pelagic assemblage around oceanic islets, and monitoring shark nursery grounds in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

Read more about his work here.

View his profile at USFQ.