UNC and SAS partner to learn more about phytoplankton populations
Sometimes the smallest creatures can have the biggest impact. Think, for example, of how often you hear about people’s gut microbiomes and their outsized impact on overall health.
Sometimes the smallest creatures can have the biggest impact. Think, for example, of how often you hear about people’s gut microbiomes and their outsized impact on overall health.
Where do hammerhead sharks go at night? And perhaps more importantly, why? That’s what Research Scientist and Professor Alex Hearn of the Galapagos Science Center hoped that a team of SAS analytics volunteers would be able to answer by analyzing … Read more
As an organization dedicated to responsible innovation and using technology to ignite positive change, SAS will apply crowd-driven artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help protect endangered sea turtles. Similar to SAS’ recent project to help track deforestation in the Amazon, the analytics … Read more
Jade Martin chose a geography major at the University of South Alabama because she wanted to see the world and study the relationships between people and their environments. For SURF – a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship – she examined the role of … Read more
Galápagos keeps inspiring scientists to study the evolution of animal species such as the finches, iguanas and tortoises. Also, various endemic plants, with Scalesia as “the Darwin finch of the plant world”, have diversified into various species on the different … Read more
Five Carolina research projects have received Galapagos Seed Grants for development at the Galapagos Science Center this summer. From climate adaptation to biodiversity to the art of learning, this year’s recipients of the Galapagos Seed Grant Program span the spectrum … Read more
In summer ’22, UNC undergraduate Sahil Sethi was finally able to fulfill his goal of studying abroad in Galapagos. Sahil, a senior studying Biomedical and Health Sciences Engineering with minors in Spanish for the Medical Professions and Chemistry, went to … Read more
One mission of International Women’s Day 2023 is to celebrate women forging change, and we want to recognize Leidy Apolo’s hard work and dedication to developing and implementing community outreach initiatives for the Galapagos Science Center (GSC) for over five … Read more
There are so many reasons to love the Galapagos. Hear from researchers at the Galapagos Science Center and leadership from UNC describe why they love these precious islands and can’t wait to continue making a global impact with their work! … Read more